When Is It a Good Idea to Install Grab Bars for the Bathroom Use?

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Healthcare

Bathrooms are some of the most common locations for falls among seniors and others with limited mobility, due to the complex movements required to get in and out and due to the fact that the floor is often wet. Mobility assists such as grab bars for the bathroom can reduce the risk of a fall and help those with limited mobility maintain independence and hygiene.

If you are unsure if you should encourage someone in your family to get a grab bar, here are a few signs that it might be time for one.

There Was a Fall Incident

If your loved one has already had a fall, then it is a good time to install grab bars for the bathroom assistance, to prevent further falls. For people with disabilities or who are elderly, falls often come with lasting health consequences and worsening mobility, so assistance devices are vital in recovery. Plus, you want to prevent falls from happening again.

They Have More Problems Moving

Ideally, you want to install grab bars before someone falls. If you notice additional stiffness or trouble moving in your loved one, gently suggest some assistance with mobility.

They Have a Condition That Limits Mobility

A grab bar is ideal for people of all ages, especially if they have trouble moving. If someone in your household has been diagnosed with a condition that impacts mobility, such as arthritis, or has temporary limited mobility due to surgery or pregnancy, a grab bar can keep everyone safe.

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