A Simple Call to a Traffic Ticket Attorney in Fort Worth Can Reveal Appealing Options

by | Aug 20, 2024 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Even responsible drivers sometimes find themselves being pulled over by police, and the stop is not always justified. While a normally diligent driver in a rush might get caught speeding or running a red light, others find themselves receiving tickets that seem less justified.

Consulting an after-traffic ticket attorney in Fort Worth for such an event could reveal that there are options to be assessed. Attorneys like those at the Anderson & Anderson, LLP are often able to prove that their clients should not have been ticketed at all.

Judges Know That Police Officers Are Far from Infallible

The vast majority of police officers in the area are highly professional and dedicated to upholding the rule of law. At the same time, even properly trained and diligent police officers can make mistakes just like drivers sometimes do.

While few who represent themselves in court end up making much progress, attorneys are regularly able to prove why traffic tickets should be dismissed. Some of the issues that might be raised by a traffic ticket attorney in Fort Worth to prove the innocence of a client include:

  • Subjectivity. Police officers sometimes rely on fairly objective evidence when issuing traffic tickets, but subjective assessments frequently play roles as well. The law accounts for this fact by normally allowing a bit of leeway, but the legal latitude accorded to a police officer always has its limits. Attorneys can sometimes convince judges or juries that a police officer’s subjective take on a particular traffic situation was simply inadequate or inaccurate. In many such cases, a ticket will be dismissed on that account alone.
  • Signage. Drivers are expected to know and obey the rules of the road at all times, but there are instances when this might be impossible. Should a single road sign be obstructed by an overgrown branch or knocked down, the driver might well be considered innocent of the violation alleged in a ticket.

Many More Ways to Escape Traffic Fines and All the Associated Costs

With these being only a couple of the more basic ways local attorneys frequently assist their clients in traffic-related matters, a consultation will almost always pay off. While some traffic tickets are deserved by those who receive them, the impact of other tickets that are not warranted can typically be escaped.

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